Minding the Body: Looking at Mind–Body Interactions from Both Directions

Tues, Feb 18, 2020 @ 6:30 @ Blake Street Tavern (Tailgate Room)

About the Topic

In this Cafe Sci, we’ll consider ways the mind seems to work its various kinds of ‘magic’ on physiological systems– both good and bad.  We’ll spend some time discussing the placebo effect, but also cover psychosomatic disorders, ways the ‘mind’ can positively affect the body, improving brain health and reducing dementia risk, and perhaps even touch on marijuana and the brain, depending on attendees’ interest. The brain is a remarkable malleable organ (known as neuroplasticity) that can be actively “exercised” to provide long term benefits.  We’ll talk about all of this and more!


Dr. Schneiders is a board certified neuropsychologist and medical/health psychologist who for more than thirty years has specialized in brain-behavior relationships: his clinic practice is focused on complex dementias and other neurological diseases and disorders (brain tumors, epilepsy, movement disorders, stroke, MS…) in which psychological and physiological factors (to be dualistic for a moment) interact and play out in various ways. Dr. Schneiders earned his doctorate in Clinical Psychology at The University of Colorado – Boulder, and along the way also received graduate degrees in comparative history as well as in theological and religious studies, after having studied music from early childhood on through his undergraduate years.