Let’s Get Sexy: Discussing Sex Reduces A Lot of Problems
Dec 11, 2018
About the Topic
Sensual and frisky. Kinky and romantic. Consent and safety. A lot of people are “doing it” (and some aren’t), but societal taboos limit open and honest conversations about sex and sexuality. Further, avoidance of these topics contributes to sexual/romantic dissatisfaction and sexual violence. From sex education with children and teens to awkward conversations with romantic partners to sexual violence prevention, in this Café we’re going to get comfortable talking about sex!

Dr. Apryl Alexander is a Clinical Assistant Professor in the Graduate School of Professional Psychology at the University of Denver (DU). She primarily teaches in the master’s in forensic psychology program and serves as Director of the Forensic Institute of Research, Service, and Training (Denver FIRST) Outpatient Competency Restoration Program, which provides outpatient competency education and restoration for low-risk, court-ordered adult defendants and juveniles. She also serves as the Founder and Co-Director of the DU Prison Arts Initiative, a program which provides therapeutic, educational creative arts programming to incarcerated men and women in Colorado state prisons. Her research has been published in leading journals including Journal of Forensic Psychology Practice, Child Maltreatment, Journal of Child Sexual Abuse, and Sexual Abuse. Dr. Alexander is the recipient of the 2017 APA Early Career Achievement Award and the APA Section on Child Maltreatment Early Career Award for Outstanding Contributions to Research.